Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4th Humanities Update

Upcoming due dates and events to keep an eye on:

  • Please complete goal #2 for your graphic novel for Monday November 7th
  • Complete Graphic Novel due Tuesday November 8th
  • Teen Leadership Launch is Tuesday November 8th for 8.4 as well
  • Inquiry Tasks 2 and 3 from the Digital Renaissance Textbook are due Wednesday November 9th. Links are live on the Pages version I sent you and include assessment rubrics.
Inquiry Task #2: Like this example, working with a partner create a historical timeline of events leading up to the Italian Renaissance (choose a relevant image for the background). Due Wednesday November 9th
Specifically, using pages 3-8 of this resource outline the major events leading to the Renaissance starting with the rise of Ancient Greece and Rome, through to the sacking of Rome in 410 AD, and ending with the flowering of the Italian Renaissance between 1425-1575. You will be marked on your ability to include the major events discussed in this resource. Assessment rubric
Inquiry Task #3: To prepare for the next task, choose one of the topics below (only one group per class per topic) and then using the Talking to the Text format, work with a partner to take notes on your topic.
Each partner should choose a different source relevant to their topic. Some starting resources are provided below. Begin by turning your topic into a question (e.g., How did contact with the Islamic world lead to the Renaissance?). Ensure you are taking notes only on how your topic area led to the Renaissance. We only need a brief summary of explaining your event or development. Assessment Rubric

Elements of the Talking to the Text format that should be present in your notes include:
  • Asking questions
  • Monitoring meaning-defining key terms
  • Making connections to other things you have read or seen
  • Finding images that show what you are learning about
  • Determining importance-taking down only the relevant information, Trash or Treasure-finding those key quotes, metaphors or examples that will show your ideas
  • Summarize-Use a W5 model