Friday, June 28, 2013

Renaissance Debate Rubric

Developed by Galileo Educational Network (2001)

Horseshoe Debate

Open Debate

Participants have the opportunity to question the positions of others by asking questions, refuting points or arguments or by adding additional support or detail to a position.
This continues until no one wishes to speak or time runs out.
If time runs out before all students have had an opportunity to contribute to the open debate, they may submit written rebuttals or additional support for their position before class begins the following day. Points off-topic or redundant will not be counted.


(20 marks)
and Conclusion
(5 marks)
Provocative and/or engaging introduction
Conclusion has an impact
Interesting introduction and a sound conclusion

Introduces topic at the beginning and ends with a summary statement
May have an introduction but it is unclear Conclusion is absent

Hard to discern if there is an introduction or conclusion

Support of position with specific facts and examples
(use of Rule of Three)

(10 marks)
Details are interesting, accurate, and complete. All arguments are focused and show deep understanding of the complexity of the issue.
Specific quotes and supporting evidence are used throughout the speech. A wide variety of sources demonstrate extensive research
Details are accurate and generally complete. Arguments are specific and convincing. 
Specific quotes and supporting evidence are present but not consistently used. Sources used demonstrate research.
Details are generally accurate and fairly complete.  Arguments are general and show basic understanding of issue.
Supporting details are general. (without sources)
Few details

Arguments are weak and show surface understanding
Some evidence of research but it demonstrates a very limited understanding of the issue
Details are vague or absent

Little evidence of research or understanding of the issue demonstrated


- pacing
- volume
- clarity expression
eye contact

(5 marks)
Delivery is smooth and confident/
Rehearsal is evident
Effective pacing, volume, expression and eye contact
Delivery is generally smooth
Some evidence of rehearsal
Some attention to pacing, volume, expression and eye contact
Delivery falters on occasion

Some evidence of rehearsal

Adequate volume and eye contact
Delivery is halting and uneven

Little evidence of rehearsal

Inadequate preparation
impedes communication

No evidence of rehearsal

Not prepared

Open Debate (10 Marks)

Students are awarded two marks for each successful challenge, rebuttal or evidence in support of or against a position.
No marks are awarded for points that are redundant or off topic.
Marks are deducted for breaking the rules of discussion.