Sunday, June 3, 2012

Year End Active Citizenship Project

For our final inquiry project this year we are going to try and live out one of the key outcomes in the Alberta Social Studies Program:

Social studies develops the key values, understanding, and skills necessary for students to become active and responsible citizens, engaged in the democratic process and aware of their capacity to effect change in their communities, society and world.

In order to connect this outcome from the front section of the Alberta program with the specific theme of grade 8 social studies you are asked to take an issue in our world today related to one of the seven elements of worldview we have examined over the course of the year including:

  1. View of human nature
  2. View of the good life (e.g., our materialistic lifestyle) 
  3. Equality with others (e.g., homelessness, racism) 
  4. Responsibility with others (e.g., homelessness, seniors)
  5. Relationship between the individual and the state (e.g., political apathy in youth)
  6. Relationship of humans with nature (e.g., global warming, pollution, rainforest depletion, impact of the oil sands, impact of overconsumption, treatment of animals)
  7. Sources of ethical wisdom (e.g., media awareness; body image) 
The following document will help remind you what these things mean and how we can determine issues related to each of these areas. 

After identifying an issue you are interested in exploring (i.e., responsibility to others: homelessness, youth poverty; relationship between individual and the state: youth apathy in our democracy; relationship of humans with nature: global warming, pollution) the project involves:

Research component:
  • Identifying a series of questions that will help you research your issue:
    • the nature of your issue, the root causes that have led to this issue becoming such a problem, and organizations and measures we can take to help overcome this issue in our world today
  • To help with your research you are also asked to:
    • find a related article and complete a talking to the text assignment. Record this in a Google doc. 
    • find one expert either in Calgary or beyond to interview in order to learn more about your issue. Record your findings in a google doc 
Action/Reflection Component:
  • Beginning next week you are asked to undertake one action or change in your lifestyle that will have a positive impact on your issue
  • As part of this process you will be asked to do a series of reflections related to the challenges and opportunities of taking action around this issue
Final Presentation:

  • For the culminating project you are asked to create a Pecha Kucha presentation on your issue which draws the reader in with a powerful opening, explains the issue and the impact this is having on our society, briefly examines the root causes as to why this is an issue, and concludes with actions we can take including your own actions to help solve this issue
  • You can use any medium you like (i.e., iMovie, KeyNote); however, you are asked to follow the Pecha Kucha format of 20 slides (images or short phrases only) and 20 seconds per slide for a total of 6 minutes 40 seconds. As you will be writing this as a group, create a google doc with two columns and 20 rows with your images on the left and 50-60 words on the right columns.  
  • You will present once in front of the class and then are asked to present your slide to members of the public. 

An explanation of a Pecha Kucha presentation:

Brief outline of the unit:

Monday, June 4th Get groups organized, explain project, and begin identifying research questions along ways to organize research.
Tuesday, June 5th Discuss the nature of historical change-brainstorm and class discussion on historical turning points and why things change. Begin thinking about an action you can take. Assign talking to the text assignment due Thursday, June 7th
Wednesday, June 6th Mr. H. comes in to talk about the nature of Challenge Based Learning. Work on Talking to the Text and research. Begin thinking about an action you can take.
Thursday, June 7th  Finish talking to the text, identify areas where more research is needed. Extend research to beyond articles and identify questions to ask an expert. Re-connect on action.
Monday, June 11th: Connection with experts Bill from Mustard Seed 1:30. Provide time for the action project. Begin Pecha Kucha presentation. Show examples and what makes a good Pecha Kucha.  Create rubric as a class. Create google doc with 20 x 20. Images should come from Flickr.
Tuesday, June 12th-Friday, June 15th: Sarah from Women's Centre 1:30. Continue work on Pecha Kucha. First draft due Friday, June 15th.