Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Magazine Rubric Final Assessment

Magazine Rubric /56

As we have been working on the magazine for a month now, this will form a major part of your Term 2 report card mark. The writing, which now has mostly been assessed, will go towards your Communication and Inquiry mark. Your ability to apply the principles of good design will make up a large part of your knowledge and skills mark this term. 

Each page will receive a mark out of 4 and will be evaluated based on the following elements of good design (this slide show provides examples of each):

·      Creativity/Boldness: your ability to create a page that is original and innovative. To achieve this find inspiration from real magazines and the many examples we have looked at.   
·      Grouping: your ability to not clump things all together and create clear separation among different elements within your page including images, text, and negative space.   
·      Fonts/Readability: The purpose of fonts is to both grab the readers attention, while also ensuring the text is readable. If you have dark fonts on a dark background then you will lose marks here. Draw on dafont to get more creative titles.
·      Vividness and choice of images: ensure to choose images that are at least 300 dpi. Images should be well chosen and vivid. 

Cover           /8
The magazine cover includes all required elements: title, image, multiple cover lines, date, price, and barcode. The page is visually dynamic and professionally rendered.
The magazine cover is missing one of the required elements: title, picture of student, 4 articles headlines, date, price, and barcode. The page is interesting and creative.
Multiple required elements are missing and the page lacks interest and creative appeal.
Each 2 page spread is out of 8
The two-page spread is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and quality of images. The page is creative and bold with a clear sense of grouping among elements; all text is readable and visually appealing. 
The two-page spread is attractive in terms of design, layout and quality of images. At least two elements of good design are clearly present, but one element, whether boldness/creativity, grouping, fonts/readability, may be missing. 
The two-page spread is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. Only minimal attention has been paid to the elements of good design. Rearranging the elements on the page would produce a better layout.

Examples of a 4: