Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thoughts and Viruses Podcast Outline and Rubric

Your podcast is due Monday March 5th 

Drawing on the various lectures and activities you have encountered in this mini-inquiry unit, respond to the following syntheses question in podcast form:

What are the two most significant reasons why a thought or virus has a revolutionary impact on people and the world?

To consider this question begin by examining Malcolm Gladwell's thesis that three elements exist as to why a thought or virus becomes contagious. A summary can be found here. Once you have chosen the two factors you think are most significant, provide supporting evidence from examples from both thoughts and viruses you have researched or learned about to support your answer.

In this way your podcast would address 4 out of the 6 quadrants below:

  Viruses examples:
 Social movements/trends
 Law of the few (most 
viruses/ideas/trends are 
spread by a small, 
influential, social, and well connected individuals

 Stickiness Factor (some 
have an incredible ability
to stick and possess
 staying power

 The power of context 
(small changes in the 
environment can have a
big impact)

A 4 would reflect the following criteria:

Statement/ Position
Author provides a clear statement in relation to the question.
Explanation strongly develops the two key reasons why trends and viruses become contagious and explanation is based on the note-taking/research you have done. Only important information is included.
Supporting Details
Support enhances key ideas with facts and specific details from credible sources. It gives strength to the explanation.
Examples drawn from both domains
 To support each of the two reasons why a trend/social movement or virus becomes contagious the author provides examples of both thoughts and viruses.