Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Five Paragraph Essay

Your five paragraph essay is due by the end of the day Monday, February 6th in hard copy form. Please include a title and your name. This will make up a major part of your communication mark for the term. 
The complete magazine is due Friday, February 10th 

You will be graded using the following areas of the Grade 9 PAT Language Arts rubric at this link. See this post for an outline of how to write an essay. According to the Ministry of Education, this is an example of a 4



1. The student’s exploration of the topic is insightful and/or imaginative. 
Strategies: Develop your ideas and explain what you mean. Use transitions: 
Here we see that / This statement shows / Clearly, then, / We can conclude from this that / This tells us that / From this we can understand that

2. The ideas presented by the student are perceptive and/or carefully chosen.  
Strategies: Try to identify carefully chosen reasons why your book should be in the curriculum and articulate these in a creative and sophisticated way. 
3. Supporting details are precise and/or original. 
Strategies: These should be specific, and come in the form of quotes from your book or a reliable source. 



1. The introduction is engaging and skillfully establishes a focus that is consistently sustained. Strategies: this link
2. Sentence beginnings are often varied. Strategies: this link
3. Transitions, either explicit or implicit, fluently connect events and/or details within sentences and/or between paragraphs. Strategies: this link
4. Closure is effective and related to the focus. Strategies: this link


1. Precise words and expressions are used to create vivid images and/or to enrich details. 

Strategies: Consciously add more descriptive, sophisticated language. Use powerful, more original verbs (walked-sauntered, worked-toiled). Adopt adverb- verb combinations (slowly sauntered; one must carefully consider). 



1. The quality of the writing is enhanced because it is essentially error-free. 
2. Any errors that are present do not reduce clarity and/or do not interrupt the flow of the response. 
Strategies: Proof read and have a friend or peer look over your writing.