Thursday, April 26, 2012

Next Novel Reflection due Tuesday May 1st

Based on the conversation in your small group novel discussion, please complete another novel reflection for Tuesday May 1st. As with your previous novel reflection, please generate your own inquiry question that engages a major theme in the novel and is general enough that you can bring in your own experiences and connections to our world today. This novel reflection should be at least 300 words and incorporate direct quotes from the book.

One way to formulate a question is to use sentence frames as follows:

In what ways does (insert theme)?
e.g., In what ways does fear effect human behavior?

Under what conditions do groups (insert human behavior)?
e.g., Under what conditions do we see those that use intimidation and the threat of violence most able to dominate the leadership of a group? 

Why do (insert theme) occur in (particular situation)?
e.g., Why would people still believe in the American dream even when few realize this dream?
Why do we glorify soldiers when they kill, but condemn murder in everyday society? Is this a good thing for our society?