Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Create a Political Cartoon for Edo Japan

On Thursday May 17th you are asked to present a summary of your notes within your topic area to others who explored a different topic area. As part of this process you are also asked to create a political cartoon that provides a social commentary around an issue or aspect occurring in Edo Japan within your topic area.

Political Cartoons

Political cartoons communicate a message or a comment about a social or political issue in society. To communicate a message political cartoonists often:

·      use humour or sarcasm
·      use symbols to express a greater idea (i.e., a weapon to symbolize war, dove for peace)
·      show a person or group in a way that is immediately recognizable
·      often exaggerate features of a person
·      stereotype a group  
·      use a caption with minimal words

Examining political cartoons today:
Working in groups of 3-4 please identify the message for one of the following cartoons presented in class by doing a W5 reading: who is in the picture, what are they doing, where are they, when is this taking place, and why are they doing what they are doing? Overall, what is the message being communicated here?

Now its your turn to create a political cartoon:

Begin by quietly reading the related chapter in the textbook for your topic area. 

What is going on in your topic area? Write these down
What are some areas that you might make fun of or comment about?
What message might you want to communicate as a social commentary on these issues?
How might you represent this visually in terms of images that will show ideas and groups involved?

On Thursday May 17th you are asked to present your cartoon to members in other groups as well as summarize your notes from your topic area.