Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Isolation and Adaptation Unit Task #1 Due May 15th

Task #1: In order to better relate to and understand the concepts of isolation and adaptation above, in this assignment you are asked to make connections to the world today. To do this, please complete the chart below on your own and then interview a parent (s) to complete the second chart. For the assignment to be complete you must provide jot notes responses to both questions. Once you have done this and reflected on how these concepts live in our world, please complete a final 300 word written reflection on your thoughts around both the advantages and disadvantages to adapting to technological change.  This is due May 15th.

Personal Reflection

In ways have we become more isolated with the increase of technology in our daily lives?

What have been the advantages to adapting to this increase of technology in our daily lives?

Interview with Parent (s)

In ways have we become more isolated with the increase of technology in our daily lives?

What have been the advantages to adapting to this increase of technology in our daily lives?

Reflection (300 words): 1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of isolating ourselves from the rapid technological changes taking place in our world? 2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of adapting to the rapid technological changes taking place in our world? Include specific supporting details to back up your response.